Monday, July 20, 2009

Off to Comicon International

One last quick post before leaving for San Diego, I'll post again in about ten days.
This is just a sketch from my sketchbook. The Condor and the Yet are flying on pure faith
(note that the propellers aren't turning!) or...
"Flying on a Wing and a Prayer, Yet?".

The condor is for my friends at:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Time for a BBQ yet?

This was voted the most popular drawing out of the four that I drew for last month's Origins convention. I might have a few with me at San Diego, ask me about them if you like it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Aint She Tweet, Yet?

Here's the new print which will premiere at The San Diego Comicon.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Origins Convention part-2

Here is a picture of my booth on the last day of the show.
It is taken early in the day by Tony Steele, another cool artist.
If you look close, you can see the drawing from my last post on the table top,
my books (like issue #1, Graphic novel #2 and #3) are almost sold out.
The red hooks on the wall are where pieces were hung but they were sold (I sold four more by the end of the show!)
There are more larger 16"x20" pieces to the left in the picture but Tony couldn't fit them in the frame.
My partner in crime: Kelli Stakenas had the seat in the corner, and gladly watched the booth as I left to do business.

Now the news:

This piece won for Best Color.

Steve Verdoliva and Thesser , the Events Coordinator and Art Show Director respectively
have asked me to paint the cover for the 2010 Origins 35th Anniversary gaming convention program book.

I'll be blogging about the progress of that painting and the prints for it when they become available next year at the show.