Here is the piece after about 24 hours, I wouldn't say it's 100% finished, until I get a chance to make some test prints. --Edit: It's Finished, I got the prints and they are good to go.
Oh yeah, I hadn't thought about that. I wonder who holds the copyright after all this time. I checked the copyright database, and didn't find anything. You can make a written request for copyrights older than 1978.
It's beautiful, Mike. Are you going to have prints for sale at CobCon?
ReplyDeleteSure, 5x7, 8x10, and 11x14.
ReplyDeleteI might make a change since the girl is a copywritten character.
Oh yeah, I hadn't thought about that. I wonder who holds the copyright after all this time. I checked the copyright database, and didn't find anything. You can make a written request for copyrights older than 1978.