Sunday, February 14, 2010

Origins Convention logo design process

Here's a brief process post of how I drew the Origins logo.
First I sketch in pencil, some ideas (this is one of three ideas) scan the sketch and roughly block in color choices. The point is to have fun and be open to ideas (in the process I found a photo of butterfly wings that I manipulated and pasted it in, I didn't plan to have wings on the fairy at first).

Just to use for color choices.

The attitude being, "Whats the worst the client can do, say no?"

Well the client said "No " to the naked fairy. I didn't even realize that detail, so it was no problem to change her pose to show more body and more clothing.
The next step is to enlarge the file to 13"x19", print it out, tape it to Stathmore Bristol Board, lay it on a light table, and ink it with a #4 Winsor Newton series 233 brush, the details of the fairy's face I ink with a Hunt's #102 Croquill pen. The lettering was completed in Adobe Illustrator as a separated file. I combine that file with the scanned, inked artwork.
So it looks like this...
and email it for approval. It got approved, so the last step is to paint it. I paint digitally but I like to use the same techniques I learned using watercolors by using glazes of color and friskets.
If you learn how to use traditional techniques, you can use any computer, any program to do anything you want, (plus if the power goes out you can still paint!).

The final approved design:

After the final is approved I burn a CD with LG, Med, and SM sized logos, and mail it.
Now I just sit back, and wait to see how the printer handles the colors.
That hasn't changed!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Got a mug, Yet?

Here's a quick post with new merchandise!
Some new paintings are on their way.