Monday, December 27, 2010

HOO_HAA We hacked a blog!

Hey we did iT!! we Got iNto Mike's BlOg!!
The YetS are In CoNTrol!! HooHAAA!
(SorrY For The baD TyPiNg, We Have FaT FinGErs!)

We hadA pArtY and Here iz Our PictureZ:
We JusT wanTed to dRINK Tea but...
then a SnowsTorM bLocked The Doors So We PartiED fer A coupLe of DAys.
We inVitEd our NewFRiENd Lepor Promerus Who Made thE plAce look ClaSSy:
"Hello, Is this the place of the Yets? I have a hard time finding it in this bloody snow! My hightea with sweets were almost ruined. And I worked so hard on them."

He BrouGhT aweSOme CarrOt Cakes anD CaRRot TrEats!
EverybODy stARted DanciN and We had Fun.

Then Ringo ShOwED up With SugarPlum FariEs!
De Faries Are Cute aNd SweeT.
They Danced WItH EveryBody!
Even BruNo,
who was Under The Table Suckin on TeaBags and
He Wanted to Share his Tea Wit' De' faRieS but De faRies Didn't wanT Bruno'S tEA.
So De farIES POlitelY DEclined...
EverYbOdY Had LOtS of FuN!
So We Will Do thIs Again!!!!!
(Dis Iz A bad Photo BEcaUse of the Flash. It Made Lepor's Fur shinEy.)
We Will Be BACK When we Do This AgaIN but We got To go cuz Mike Is LooKing Fer Us.
WriTe Us If We WaNT A INVitAtioN to De Next PartY!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Yet Hidden Meanings

Here is a hidden meaning in YETS!. If you have this issue:

In the first story the Tracker Commander, Bruce fights the Yets.

Then he makes friends with the Yets.
Well, the character of Bruce is based on the real life dentist Dr. Bruce Johnson.
Dr. Johnson was the technical adviser for the dental parts to the story and he had an idea for a comic book about dental hygiene back in 1990.
The story was originally written about "The Ortho Team!", bio-naughts that entered a mouth to fill cavities and fight cavity creeps. The story was a lot like the movie "Fantastic Voyage".
Unfortunately the project died a death filled with good intentions
but it was reborn with the Yets.

In the second part to the story, Bruce asks the Yets to enter the mouth of the largest Yet in the TreeWorld and help him find his wife
whose name is Judy.
Judy is based on Dr. Johnson's wife of 42 years.
Judy fit well into the story to show a strong woman who held a family together in times of trouble.
Judy is based on Dr. Johnson's wife of 42 years.
I even fit a cameo of their daughter, Dawn.
She had a smaller role because the real Dawn Johnson is an adult and a doctor in psychiatry.
The real Judy and Bruce liked this YETS! story.
On September 2, 2010 Judy passed from cancer. If you bought this issue of YETS!, and you enjoyed that adventure, and laughed along the way you have honored the memory of
Judy Johnson and

I thank you.

If Art is your life, then put life in your Art.---- a TreeWorld proverb.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Origins Game Fair 2011 part 5

I gave this proof to the executive director, who will show it to the committee and I'll find out what changes need to be made. Anyway, here is the painting as it looks, it is 18"x24" and I left plenty of room so the right side of the painting can be cropped to size of the convention cover.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The power of YETS?!

So I was teaching some fourth grade students how to draw my infant Yet.
It looks like this:
I always tell my students that, you have created your own personal Yet and that is why your drawings don't look exactly like mine.
Then the next day Mat did two beautiful drawings to fit into my world, two new infant Yets:
The designs are so simple.
Animators can learn a lot from the simplicity of fourth grade students.
What can you do?
Let me know.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Staying in contact....

Here's a new painting.
I've been busy with other things so I haven't had time to post.
Hopefully, I will post again this week.