Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Birthday Present!

This is a present for Meg. Her birthday was December 5th. I sent the print to her, but I wanted to wait until she got it before I put it here.
By the way, she loved it.
Here is Meg's excellent art:

Friday, November 6, 2009

Donated Art

This is art I donated. If you are looking for a new pet, try your local animal shelter or a rescue group. One of my best friends was a rescued dog from a puppy mill.
I'm thinking of you, Mo.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Mugs are coming!

I'm getting information on having 16oz mugs printed in full color.
This is the design I'm thinking of.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nice to run into you--painted

Here is the piece after about 24 hours,
I wouldn't say it's 100% finished, until I get a chance to make some test prints.
--Edit: It's Finished, I got the prints and they are good to go.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's nice to run into you.

Here is a piece of fan art that I submitted. I'm painting it now.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Off and running

Just a sketch from my sketchbook, here is the ConDor logo inked:

now the time consuming part, painting!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

ConDor convention 2010 logo

After Comicon I had to clear up legal matters and pertaining to YETS! and straightening up my home after the flurry of Comicon International,
so I'm sorry for the lack of posts.

Here are new sketches for The ConDor 2010 Convention logo scheduled in March
(ConDor is San Diego's longest oldest SciFi convention).
...that is why there is a condor in the design....

This year's theme is "Retro SciFi"

This is the design to be finished first, but

this is my favorite.
I will post these again when they are painted.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Off to Comicon International

One last quick post before leaving for San Diego, I'll post again in about ten days.
This is just a sketch from my sketchbook. The Condor and the Yet are flying on pure faith
(note that the propellers aren't turning!) or...
"Flying on a Wing and a Prayer, Yet?".

The condor is for my friends at:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Time for a BBQ yet?

This was voted the most popular drawing out of the four that I drew for last month's Origins convention. I might have a few with me at San Diego, ask me about them if you like it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Aint She Tweet, Yet?

Here's the new print which will premiere at The San Diego Comicon.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Origins Convention part-2

Here is a picture of my booth on the last day of the show.
It is taken early in the day by Tony Steele, another cool artist.
If you look close, you can see the drawing from my last post on the table top,
my books (like issue #1, Graphic novel #2 and #3) are almost sold out.
The red hooks on the wall are where pieces were hung but they were sold (I sold four more by the end of the show!)
There are more larger 16"x20" pieces to the left in the picture but Tony couldn't fit them in the frame.
My partner in crime: Kelli Stakenas had the seat in the corner, and gladly watched the booth as I left to do business.

Now the news:

This piece won for Best Color.

Steve Verdoliva and Thesser , the Events Coordinator and Art Show Director respectively
have asked me to paint the cover for the 2010 Origins 35th Anniversary gaming convention program book.

I'll be blogging about the progress of that painting and the prints for it when they become available next year at the show.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Origins Gaming Convention-part 1

Here is a sketch from Origins...if you were there you saw it.

I just got back from the Origins Con in Columbus Ohio with over 14,ooo attendees, I sold as well as I do in SanDiego! That's because the Art Show is well run by Thesser, Steve, Luara, and all the great volunteers!
I have news from the show, but I'm waiting until I get settled back in to my routine in the studio before I post it.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Kids Read Comics Convention

Yets like to try to make an good impression, especially with a pretty librarian.
Check out her book.

Kids Read Comics Convention is held in Chelsea Michigan, it's a goal is to introduce kids to graphic novels. The coolest part of this is that the promoters want to make it an annual event.
I had a great time with great people and I was nourished with my favorite food (homemade chocolate chip cookies, homemade blueberry muffins, and fresh eggs!) at Chez Burney.

No kidding that's my favorite foods, like spinach is to Popeye.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Comission Update

The Origins Convention has accepted all five illustrations,
so here are the other three and the sections the belong in:
Board Games
Collectible Card Games

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Possible Commissions 2

Here is another part to the possible commission.
Remember they can kill ya' but they can't eat ya' .
No word from the convention, as of yet.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Possible Commissions

I've been away to the MotorCity Comicon and I received some work for the program book for the Origins Convention in June.
Here is a sample of what I'm doing, I'll post some more upon the show's approval.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The YETS FieldGuide

Here is the first YET-spotter, Zoe A. and she is walking with a Yet in the forest.
It looks like they are having a lot of fun!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The YET FieldGuide---rules

The YET FieldGuide is a product of readers who have gone exploring in the TreeWorld and have recorded their observations with drawings and notes made at that moment.

I have kept all of your drawings and I want to publish them here but there are a few rules:

1). Anonymity. I can only use your first name and last initial.
This is because there are evil people who will track down people who are YET-spotting and might kidnap you to find out where the YETS are.

2). I need written or verbal permission (from your parent or guardian) to post your drawings.

3). I can only publish one of your drawings at a time. This is because many of you are diligent in collecting as many YET types and I only have so much time to publish this blog.

4). All artwork received for the FieldGuide becomes property of 1 YET Publishing.

5). I reserve the right to add to the rules if needed.

That's it for now. I will publish the first drawing I got with permission this week (actually I got the permission today) and as I get more permissions I will publish more.

...have fun exploring the TreeWorld!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Unicorns are lazy bums

If androids dream of electric sheep,
then do unicorns dream of tie-dyed pegasus?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Need a T-Shirt Yet?

Here is a licensed design for a t-shirt,
if you would like a shirt, go to this store:

It's a Gamer's Thing

or buy one from me at a show!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

YETS FieldGuide

The FieldGuide is put on hold pending permission from the students and their parents.
Thanks for waiting, I will keep posting my Yet art.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

No Ice Cream Yet!

Be forewarned when you distract a Yet, the distraction can become an obsession.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Yet Joust Read !

Yets get easily distracted. The tough job is to find out what to distract them with,
food, books (with a lot of pictures) and a beautiful face are places to start.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Baiting a Yet

I thought I would post some of my newer prints.
This one is about how you train a Yet.
The answer is you have to use bait, and this means something attractive
for some of the simple-minded Yets you can just use flowers...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Here is the back side...

Well, here is the backside of Yets! #3.
Complete with some new reviews.

I'll be posting new art soon so keep checking back.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Newest Yets book!

Here's the third volume in the Yets saga!
"Yets!, Myths, Magic and Mayhem" is about the first meeting between Yets and people
in a thousand years.

Buy it at the conventions or directly from me.

The first post...

This is the site to check on updates for the "YETS!"
Come back when you get a chance.